Tag Archives: food pantry

2012 Food Day Celebration

This passed October 24th , 2012 was Food Day which is a nationwide celebration and a movement for healthy, affordable, and sustainable food.   I was able to teach  a family healthy mealtime eating class for a local Food Pantry for Food Day which was truly a enjoyable event.

Food Day, was created by Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), is powered by a diverse coalition of food movement leaders, organizations, and people from all walks of life.  This event takes place annually on October 24  and it’s purpose to address issues as varied as health and nutrition, hunger, agricultural policy, animal welfare, and farm worker justice. The CSPI ultimate goal of Food Day is to strengthen and unify the food movement in order to improve our nation’s food policies. Over Thousands of Americans came together for over 3,200 events this year alone.

In honor of food day there is a wonderful and very educational online movie documentary called ” The Future of Food ” which expires on Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 so check out this site very quickly this weekend.    Here is the link for it:  http://vimeo.com/52123154    Also here is  information about the online movie documentary below:

 The Future of Food has been a key tool in the American and international anti-GMO grassroots activist movements and played widely in the environmental and activist circuits since its release in 2004. The film is widely acknowledged for its role in educating voters and the subsequent success of passing Measure H in Mendocino County, California, one of the first local initiatives in the country to ban the planting of GMO crops. Indicative of its popularity, the Future of Food showed to a sold out audience of 1,500 at the Castro Theater in San Francisco in 2004, a benefit for Slow Food, where it was introduced by Alice Waters.

Also for those who live in Georgia and can get access of Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB/PBS) there is a excellent reality television show series called “The Weigh We Were” .  If you do not have access to Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB/PBS), you can access the show online on the website which is: http://theweighwewere.com/category/tv-show  and the first show will be posted on Tuesday October 30th at 9:35PM Eastern.  Here is further information about this wonderful show.

This show offers a refreshing and successful approach for highlighting ‘real world’ weight loss strategies.  Coupling an upbeat, positive narrative, and more than 30 weight loss success stories from an wide spectrum of Georgia residents (who lost a combined 3,472 pounds – on their own) the program successfully explores multiple, and realistic approaches to weight loss – surprisingly simple approaches, which are both accessible and repeatable by the average viewer.
So this weekend learn more about nutrition and wellness by checking out these websites and next year plan to participate Food Day!
Let me know your comments and opinions about The Future of Food  movie and “The Weigh We Were”  television show!  Enjoy!!